Friday, 3 July 2009

...AND THE NEXT.....

These past few days have been tough for me on the pain stakes. I've had to up the morphine to 150mgs every 12 hours and haven't been doing much in the way of cooking.
We're having a long-ish hot spell at the moment but I got the itch to do something in the kitchen so decided to produce some more ice cream.
After realising we were about to waste some bananas that tend to over ripen really quickly in the heat I decided on making banana and walnut ice cream and by popular demand from my friends on the BBC Food website,a honey flavoured ice cream.

Here they are in all their glory but I can't comment on their flavours as they've only been in the freezer for an hour and a half.

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About Me

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I'm 42 and married to Tracey with a gorgeous 23 month old son called Leo who's named after my late Father.I have two great daughters from a previous marriage called Laurenne who's 14 and Danielle who's 13 and they live with their mum in Scunthorpe which is 160 miles away.I don't see the girls as often as I'd like but that's down to financial restraints as much as anything.