Monday, 15 June 2009


I promised my wife recently that I'd have a go at Simon Rimmer's Jaffa Cakes as seen on Something For The Weekend a couple of weeks ago.

As per usual I managed to get ahead of myself and had the chocolate melting in the pan way before I'd even made the jelly.

Ther recipe suggested that it was for 12 Jaffa Cakes using a 12 space muffin tin.
Mine is only a 6er so I made 6 big ones and some small ones using using a mince pie tin.

The first stage was basic enough but I ran into complications later on about what could I use as a template for cutting out jelly rounds of 3 and 4cm diameter.

In the end I opted for a Highland Spring water bottle top for the 3cm and the top off my sons bubbles container which is exactly 4cm diameter.

In the end I managed to save the chocolate by adding a small knob of butter and a little drizzle of single cream.

I only had enough chocolate for 5 large and 6 small jaffa's so I had to melt two triangles of Toblerone in the microwave just to cover the odd one.

See for yourself the results minus the obvious tastings which diminish the numbers slightly.

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About Me

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I'm 42 and married to Tracey with a gorgeous 23 month old son called Leo who's named after my late Father.I have two great daughters from a previous marriage called Laurenne who's 14 and Danielle who's 13 and they live with their mum in Scunthorpe which is 160 miles away.I don't see the girls as often as I'd like but that's down to financial restraints as much as anything.