Friday, 15 May 2009

Today starts much the same as the rest. Struggle down the stairs munch on the painkillers and the other stuff,make a cup of hot tea and decide what to cook today to relieve the monotony of back pain.

I've decided that yesterdays bread although very nice wasn't particularly good to look at so another effort was required.

While waiting on the dough to prove I decided to experiment with some Orange and Walnut Muffins and this is the recipe i threw together.

200g/8oz Self Raising Flour
1 tspn Baking Powder
75g/3oz Caster Sugar
1 Orange(Zested and segmented)
1 Large Free Range Egg
100ml/3½ fl oz Milk
Small handful of roughly chopped walnuts

1)Preheat the oven to 220oC/425oF/Gas Mark 7.
2)Place all the ingredients except the orange and walnuts in a bowl and combine together using a whisk.
3)When everything is well incorporporated together slice the orange segments in half and stir into the mix gently.
4)Stir in the walnuts and transfer into paper Muffin cases which should be sat in your tins.
5)Sprinkle each with a little orange zest and place into the oven for approx' 15 minutes or until risen and golden.
6)Remove and place on a cooling rack.


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About Me

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I'm 42 and married to Tracey with a gorgeous 23 month old son called Leo who's named after my late Father.I have two great daughters from a previous marriage called Laurenne who's 14 and Danielle who's 13 and they live with their mum in Scunthorpe which is 160 miles away.I don't see the girls as often as I'd like but that's down to financial restraints as much as anything.