Thursday, 26 August 2010

..the next chapter.

As I've said on the BBC Food website,it's been a while since I posted anything on here.

I'm off work again as it seems that my titanium implants aren't working to solve my back problem. In fact one of them appears to be on the move and causing me quite a bit of pain.I'm hoping to get back 'fusion' surgery before Christmas but with the NHS waiting lists,who knows?

This afternoon I'm going to attempt to make some cupcakes as requested by my 3 year old son Leo(ASBO).If I have time I may try and get and make some peanut butter cookies.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott,

    Sorry to here your implants are not working out, especially after waiting so long for them too.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for better progress in the future.

    PS save some cupcakes for me please?



About Me

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I'm 42 and married to Tracey with a gorgeous 23 month old son called Leo who's named after my late Father.I have two great daughters from a previous marriage called Laurenne who's 14 and Danielle who's 13 and they live with their mum in Scunthorpe which is 160 miles away.I don't see the girls as often as I'd like but that's down to financial restraints as much as anything.